Is your planet struggling under the burden of too much junk mail ? Watch out for these tell-tale signs: |
Cartoon reproduced with the kind permission of the artist, Andrew Weldon, who retains the copyright. Please do not copy it, but buy something containing his work, such as the Australian Big Issue, or his books. |
Every kilogram of paper that doesn't get produced saves over 1.3 kg of CO2-e emissions and 26 litres of water (those are the numbers from an efficient Scandanavian plant).
So if you aren't making full use of your junk mail, put a stop to it !
Choose from our extensive range of designs, and send no money and a stamped self-addressed envelope (that's an envelope with an unused 50c stamp and your name/address on the outside) to the corresponding address.
"No No" This design is ideal for someone with no mail box, but also works well for people who want no junk mail. Send a stamped self-addressed envelope to: "No No" 22 Morrice St Lane Cove NSW 2066 |
"No Yes" This design is for those who hate junk mail, but love their free newspapers. Send a stamped self-addressed envelope to: "No Yes" 22 Morrice St Lane Cove NSW 2066 |
- or at least Calgary
Zealand - Have a look at this excellent idea & copy it !
Kingdom - visit the Stop Junk Mail campaign who designed
these stickers
USA - This site may offend, so view with caution, but they have some good ideas (and some which could probably get you arrested)
Rest of the world - start
your own similar campaign - contact
The idea for this site and the original design for these stickers comes (with kind permission) from the excellent Stop Junk Mail campaign in the UK.